17 февраля 2017 | Номер объявления: 41175 |
Цена: 1 500 €
Город: Мадрид
Порода: Швейцарская овчарка
I love the white Swiss Shepherd Dog! I want to white angels were with the best people! All who have the white miracle - let you all will be well! You have to love in the same way as I do, this gleaming dog!
This white angels - for you!
Puppies are sold!
Berger Blanc Suisse!
Born 31.12.2016
carefully delivery anywhere in the world.
The most favorite, most lovely! White angels for your happy life! I love this breed! If you are missing in your life affection, if you need a loyal friend, if your life is gray, then this dog for you White Swiss Shepherd decorate you life, make you happy!
This white angels - for you!
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