13 июля 2017 | Номер объявления: 44512 |
Цена: 600 €
Город: Las Mesas
Порода: Кане Корсо
Puppies cane corso boys and girls, double litter. Black and black tiger color. D, p. May 27, 2017. The full package of documents RKF, brand, vaccinated by age. Growing outside the city. Large, strong bones, rock heads. The ears and the tail are docked, also there is a show of puppies that are not fully cropped black. Balanced psyche, completely healthy. It is possible in a family with animals and children.
Parents are worthy representatives of the breed, champions of not one country, are free from dysplasia.
More details by phone. It is possible to send to any city
Help in growing, exhibitions (optional), vetobsuzhivanie. Kennel has been breeding since 2005.
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